Wednesday, January 30, 2008


This guy/girl couldn't have said it better, let's look at the FACTS in this case, and not pretty stories fabricated by either sides..

2. Let us agree on the following facts.
a. Anand’s attorney does not deny the sexual contact he denies that it was done by force or without consent. According to the article.
b. In USA even if a female consents to sex any sexual activity with a minor under the age of 18 is statutory rape. Three of the victims were under 18 at the time of alleged incidence.
c. Anand has already been granted bail but the family has not posted it because they know that as soon as he gets out of California jail the Prosecutors in Texas and New York are going to pick him up.
d. Sanjana is upset with solitary confinement in small cage like cell. I agree with her if he is being treated inhumanely that is not right and we should seek help from human rights group, civil liberties organizations.
e. US prison is a very dangerous place for handsome young man who is charged with sexual crimes. They often become a recipient of the crimes they are charged with. So in that sense Sanjana should watch out before she asks for removal from solitary confinement.
3. I agree with you that you are innocent until proven otherwise. However, sexual abuse and rape are the crimes that are treated differently in India and USA. The reason is simple.. The victims are so terrified and ashamed that they have a tendency not to report the crime.
So as unjust as it sounds upon a complaint of rape you are arrested.
I am sure that the fact the petitioner was a young white female and the perpetrator was highly powerful, rich, man in late twenties of brown color might have played some role in the harsh nature of treatment he is receiving.
As you read the Dallas article author did details the experience on not one but three females. And there is quite a bit of similarities.
4. There is evidence that two of these girls did try to complain to Police in New York but they were turned down because there was no physical proof. So the argument that suddenly these girls came from no where now that Anand was financially more successful.
5. Sanjana was quoted by one of the victims as having thrown a fit when she found out that her little bro was messing with an underage girl. See the article.
6. Now does this mean Anand is guilty? Absolutely not. But my problem is with Sanjana and her mother is …where were you when this was going on? As a female your self how can you not see this happening? Or were you so helpless out of your dependence on your brother that you kept your mouth shut? None of these things can be proven in the court of law but in the court of common sense we all can make our own judgment.
7. As an Indian my tendency is always to see us as victims whenever such issue arises. However when I read the news I suddenly asked my self, “how the hell I did not see this coming.”
8. I have witnessed Anand walking around with an entourage of underage white models at several Indian functions. His arrogance and disregard for others was evident.
I think that is the reason why there is no large scale community support for Anand.
9. One more note. I am not sure if it would be safe for Sanjana to be in USA. If prosecutors can find some way of implicating her in the crime I am sure they will go for it. Then she will be confronted with a difficult choice of plea bargaining and give information against her beloved bro or put her self in danger. Because I am sure they will try to catch her as a material witness.

Thank you who ever had the guts to speak up on that website .

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Good link

Warning: this girl gets into the truth and it's very emotional and raw. Not for the light hearted - but interesting if you want to hear a side of the story from one girl who appeared in court

Why I didn't go to the police

One question people might have for us girls that were abused by this man, is why didn't we speak out sooner. I can't speak for anyone by myself, but I do know how I felt back then and why I didn't go to the police.

First of all, I was young, inexperienced and a little naive. When he told me this (which was anything I felt uncomfortable with, sexual) was what people who love each other do (yes, he claimed he was madly in love with me), he was always so disappointed when I was uncomfortable, and put out the "if you don't do it, I will leave you" card. He made me believe that I had no one, that the people in my life weren't good enough for me, and that he was the only one I should give attention to. Naturally, all my friends thought he was a creep, old weird guy and didn't understand why I was with him. He used this to his advantage and claimed they were just jealous I had a great guy like him - eventually I had no friends left.

I was new to New York City and knew no one but him. After the first rape incident, where I was literally crying and telling him I couldn't do it, he just said "good girl", and fell asleep. The next morning he did it again. I was so confused - this was someone that said he loved me, and I thought I loved him, so could this have been rape? I thought that he was right, this is something grown ups do, I should grow up and be a good girl like he wanted me to. I was confused for days, emotional and I didn't know what to do. If I would have gone to the police, I wouldn't have anywhere to go. I didn't have enough money for a hotel or ticket back to home, so I felt like I was trapped. I didn't have any friends left to consult, so I just stayed with him because he kept telling me how he loved me and would take care of me.

Another reason why I felt like I couldn't go to the police, is because he made me write a letter back when I was 16, claiming I was 18 years old. This was for business purposes, he said, and I believed him. Of course, later I realized that he made me write this letter so if I would ever go to the police - he would show them the letter and tell them I lied to him and that he didn't know I was only 16. Of course he knew.. he had no problem what so ever with the fact that he was 10 years older than me.

So there you have it - I was too weak to speak up. Two years later, I met another girl who was abused by him. We were talking about speaking up, to the press or police, but she bailed out and I was once again alone, with my story I couldn't share with anyone, and decided to move on with my life. That's what I did, until about half a year ago when I read online that he was put in jail. I cried for hours (tears of joy), because I realized I was not crazy, this really had happened, to me and so many other girls, and it was time to step up and go to the police. As I said earlier, I chose not to be involved with the court case, but when they need more information the police in LA knows how to contact me.

In my opinion, these girls must have felt so alone. They had no where to go, and after realizing what kind of person he really is, left him and moved on with their lives. It was not something I liked remembering for years, I rather forgot about it.. I thought who would believe a young girl from a small city like me.. I just felt like no one would listen, that I was alone in this and the best thing was to move on, and that's what I did.

This blog

This blog is a response to the another blog claiming rapist Anand Jon his innocence. In my eyes, there is nothing wrong with believing in your family - even if that means your brother is convicted on multiple rape charges. If my brother, whom I love dearly, was to ever get put in prison and he'd say he didn't do it, I would believe him. But when there are more than 30 girls and counting to this date, including 14 and 15 year olds, the bail is raised to millions of dollars, it's a disgrace to women out there to parade on the streets claiming all these girls are liars, throwing in words like "civil rights" and closing your eyes from the real truth.

I made this blog to give myself a voice, and possibly other girls who have been in the same situation. I was approached by Anand Jon when I was only 16 years old, and he raped me when I just turned 17. What some of his supporters don't understand, possibly because most of them are men, is that he really picked us out by our background. I didn't come from a stable home, wanted to leave, and when this powerful man came into my life saying everything would be better, I believed him. Naive, yes, but I was also still very very young. He took advantage of that, just like he did with so many other young girls that weren't secure enough to say "no".

It wasn't until I turned 19, when I realized what he had done. Not only had he taken away my innocence, but but he had lied to me, misguided me, taken advantage of my inexperience, he made me feel worthless and made me believe that the only thing I was good for was looking pretty and sex. To this day, I still don't believe in myself for a 100%, because for a year in my life, I felt that I was worth nothing. He had me all to himself, I gave up my friends because of his jealousy, I made some choices that I still regret, all because of his mental abuse. It's easy to blame the victim in todays society - why didn't she go to the police? Why did she stay with him? Because he had a certain power over me. It was not like I could go anywhere either - he made sure I had no where and no one to talk to.

He took away one precious year in my life, he gave me painful memories that I will never forget, he made me feel so alone - so I'm so very proud for these other girls standing up for themselves and locking him up in jail. It hurts me to see that he's playing the innocent card, even though that's expected, because the stories of these girls sound so similar to mine, that I know they're telling the truth. I chose not to come forward in court for personal reasons, but I did go to the police and they have my name and story on file. I posted parts of my story online on various websites - and strangely enough I was never contacted by anyone - I guess there goes the conspiracy story his team has made up.

I believe all these young girls, and I believe the American justice system will lock him up for a very long time. I have absolutely nothing to gain from writing this, but to let someone hear my voice.